Would you attend the Pizza Hut church?
Also, Zoroastrian sky burial doesn’t work anymore
Just a quick one this week because I’m pottering on some content to post while I’m away. There’s a good mix of stuff and it’s going to be really fun!
Pizza Hut church stays winning
Here’s an $8 Blue Check trad with an AI-generated Elon Musk avatar on Twitter complaining about church design, or Protestantism, or the decline of Western civilisation, or repurposing abandoned pizza shops, or something. Because of the way ‘verified’ accounts get boosted on Twitter now, a lot of people saw it.
It’s funny that a lot of these guys believe people don’t go to church anymore because Christianity has “become feminised”, but also because the buildings aren’t fancy enough and some priests wear pants instead of dresses, uh I mean ecclesiastical robes.
In my little corner of Twitter, there was a lot of support for the Pizza Hut church. It’s true I’m very Protestant though.
As an aside, churches in shopping malls/repurposed buildings/etc strike me as a uniquely American phenomenon. Or at least, I don’t see it happen much in Australia.
Memento Mori young man
I implore you to click through and watch this video. I’ve watched it so many times.
Crummy coro content could cast curse on King
Last week I said there would probably be a lot of content springing from the coronation of King Charles III. No offence to anyone who made memes about this, but nothing really grabbed me and to be honest I think this is a bad omen for his reign.
I don’t know what to say. If an event with as much pagentry (and under as much scrutiny) as the coronation of a British monarch can’t produce a few banger memes, the whole enterprise is in trouble.
Here’s a list of some of the better stuff out there:
- Pondering my orb
- Holy hand grenade and strange woman giving out swords
- “Coronation grim reaper” mystery (just a verger, but antivaxxer Naomi Wolf has her doubts)
The rest were people making fun of his fingers or wondering what was on a piece of paper he looked at during the ceremony. Grim. If there’s nothing for a good joke to dig its claws into there’s not much there at all, tbh.
Wishbone as St Juan Diego
The whole episode can be found on YouTube.
God’s receptionist Denise
So Taryn Delanie Smith is Miss New York and does this recurring bit on TikTok where she plays Denise, receptionist at Heaven’s front desk. She gives me The Nanny vibes.
I really love Tammy the vengeful ghost character too. So terrifying, so polite.
Denise will occasionally say hi to recently dead celebrities (she recently greeted Jerry Springer) and she sometimes does very sincere ones for people whose loved ones have died. It’s all very funny and sweet.
He’s right
Wait, he’s mistaken in that it’s Clickhole not The Onion, but Clickhole was run by The Onion at the time of publication so he’s still on the right track. Anyway if you’ve never read it, here’s the masterpiece in question.
Zoroastrian sky burial doesn’t work anymore
This came up on my For You page and it’s super interesting. Basically, someone accidentally discovered that traditional Zoroastrian sky burials (where vultures consume the body) weren’t working anymore.
This is part two (you can skip part one I reckon). Parts three and four are on the @tilscience TikTok channel, each ending on a cliffhanger. I won’t spoil the reveal, but it’s amazing how different religious groups in modern India impact each other without even knowing it.
Dinosaurs by Design
Twitter user @BaptoHammer posted recalling “a Christian dinosaur book I had as a kid” that promotes creationism. While doing some research I realised… I’ve read this. It was called Dinosaurs by Design and it’s written by Duane Gish. I think it was in my school library.
It’s remarkable in that it doesn’t argue that all the dinosaurs died because they were too big to fit on the ark when God flooded the whole earth — no that would be too easy! He argues that all the dinosaurs got on the ark and survived all the way to the 20th Century. It’s still being sold at Christian book stores.
Anyway, the artwork rules. It’s very Jesus riding a velociraptor.
Thanks for reading! I’ll be back next week.